George Wesley Edmonds
August 13, 1890 - June 13, 1962
Founder George Wesley Edmonds, witty in nature and an enigma to most in the Fraternity was born in Knight Township, Vandenburgh County, Indiana on August 13, 1890.
He attended the Carver Elementary School and Clark High School in nearby Evansville, Indiana and enrolled at Indiana University in the fall of 1910. He joined nine other students in founding Kappa Alpha Nu Fraternity. Founder Edmonds was listed as the Corresponding Secretary in the articles of incorporation of the Grand Chapter of Kappa Alpha Nu. He was one of the three freshmen, along with Asher and Blakemore, who were the first initiates of the Alpha of Kappa Alpha Nu.
After Edmonds returned home for the summer of 1911, his father became ill with pneumonia and died. His father worked in the coal mines of Vandenbugh County for many years. George, being the eldest son, became the head of the family, thus preventing his return to school. With the new responsibility of supporting the family, George took a job with the area coal mines and worked with the coal mines and the railroad.
Edmonds married Willa Mae Forte and settled in Stevenson, Indiana. They became the parents of one son, Noel.
Founder Edmonds died on June 13, 1962.